24 August 2017

Opfølgning til anbefaling af POODR: Interesssante foredrag af Sandi Metz

Efter at have skrevet sidste uges blogindlæg med en anbefaling om at læse POODR (Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby), blev jeg inspireret at gense en række af Sandi Metz talks fra diverse konferencer.

Hermed de videoer jeg har genset (i uspecifik rækkefølge).

The Magic Tricks of Testing (Rails Conf 2013)

"Tests are supposed to save us money. How is it, then, that many times they become millstones around our necks, gradually morphing into fragile, breakable things that raise the cost of change? We write too many tests and we test the wrong kinds of things. This talk strips away the veil and offers simple, practical guidelines for choosing what to test and how to test it. Finding the right testing balance isn't magic, it's a magic trick; come and learn the secret of writing stable tests that protect your application at the lowest possible cost."

Code Smells - Get a Whiff of This (RailsConf 2016)

"Most code is a mess. Most new requirements change existing code. Ergo, much our work involves altering imperfect code. That's the bad news. The good news is that every big mess consists of many small ones. Certain small problems occur so frequently that they've been given names, and are collectively known as "Code Smells".
This talk shows how to take a pile of perplexing code, identify the "smells", and surgically apply the curative refactorings. It breaks a messy problem into clear-cut pieces, and proves that you can fix anything without being forced to understand everything."

All the little things (RailsConf 2014)

"Theory tells us to build applications out of small, interchangeable objects but reality often supplies the exact opposite. Many apps contain huge classes of long methods and hair-raising conditionals; they're hard to understand, difficult to reuse and costly to change. This talk takes an ugly section of conditional code and converts it into a few simple objects. It bridges the gap between OO theory and practice and teaches straightforward strategies that all can use to improve their code."